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Opening hours:- 8:00 am-3:45 pm

Ermysted’s library is a welcoming and popular area, situated in the School House building.

Consisting of a main library for Years 7-11 and a sixth form library for Years 12-13, it has a wide range of resources to support the curriculum and to encourage reading for pleasure.

In addition to timetabled library lessons and private study periods, pupils are encouraged to get involved in a range of extra-curricular activities such as the National Reading Champions Quiz, World Book Day and the Carnegie Shadowing Project.

A knowledgeable team of library prefects and library helpers work with the librarians to ensure that all users of the library can get the most out of their visits.

The Librarians, Ms McCabe and Ms Stanley, can be contacted via the library e-mail

Borrowing Books

Every pupil can borrow books from the library simply by using their school ID card.

  • KS3 – 3 books for 3 weeks
  • KS4 – 4 books for 3 weeks
  • KS5 – 5 books for 3 weeks

Books can be renewed if they have not been reserved by another pupil. If a book is lost or damaged, do not panic, please come and talk to the librarians. We would normally ask pupils to replace the book or pay for a replacement.

What shall I read next?

The librarians will be happy to discuss and recommend books that may appeal to you. Pupils can also search the reading lists, library catalogue and websites such as those listed below.

The following websites are useful if you are looking for inspiration for your next read:-

Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals

These are available via the main library and careers library.

Why Read?

Ermysted’s has a strong reading culture. Reading for pleasure has been shown to improve:-

  • Achievement across the curriculum.
  • Vocabulary, language skills and concentration.
  • Empathy.
  • Knowledge of the world.
  • Imagination and creativity.

When you find the right book for you, reading can also be a great stress-buster and fun.

We look forward to seeing you in the Library.

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At Ermysted’s


Established circa 1492


on roll


enrichment activities