Report A Concern
At Ermysted’s, we adopt a whole school approach to safeguarding and this is achieved through our policies and processes in order to operate with the best interests of the child at heart. We encourage all staff to use their professional curiosity and to always be critical with what they see and hear. The school follows guidance and protocols outlined by the North Yorkshire County Council Safeguarding Board. Our child protection policy is available here: School Policies
The school takes a zero-tolerance approach to all reported incidents of peer on peer abuse, sexual violence and/or sexual harassment and we never accept behaviour as ‘just banter’ or ‘boys being boys’’.
All adults in school are trusted adults and we ensure that staff receive regular training to keep them updated on safeguarding developments. We have high aspirations in that all members of the pastoral team are regularly attending additional training courses to further increase their knowledge and expertise to support our pupils and the intention is for all pastoral team members to be trained to the level of Designated Safeguarding Lead.
We have a robust procedure which staff use to raise safeguarding concerns and we foster positive working relationships with parents and carers to ensure pupils receive the appropriate support as soon as they need it.
We recognise that for some pupils it is difficult for them to share exactly what is on their mind. To combat this we have a range of systems which pupils can use, and do use often, to reach out to a trusted member of staff.
To further support the pastoral needs of our pupils we also heavily invest in what we call our ‘additional pastoral provision’. We have the services of three highly experienced external colleagues who come in to school and offer bespoke, one to one, social prescribing, youth work and counselling support.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr A Jackson and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Ms L Diccox. For any safeguarding concerns please email or call 01756 792186.
During school holidays all safeguarding issues should be directed to North Yorkshire Children and Families Service, Customer Service Centre, telephone 01609 780780.
We use the reminder of ‘Talk, Type, Text’ to indicate the different ways in which pupils can contact a member of staff.
Talk – they can speak directly with a trusted member of staff
Type – if pupils would rather reach out online then we have an anonymous ‘report a concern’ form on the school website (see below) or they can send an email to
Text – The School texting service number 07544 239770 is live. All texts will be triaged and any concerns forwarded to the appropriate Head of School.
Please use the form to report any safeguarding or bullying concerns. You may do this anonymously if you wish. Please provide contact details if you require feedback.
At Ermysted’s
Established circa 1492
on roll
enrichment activities