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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding is in addition to mainstream funding. It is designed to reduce the national gap in student outcomes with the particular focus of raising achievement by providing additional resources as necessary for children who fall into the following groups:

• Children currently in receipt of FSM
• Pupils in Years 7-11 who have been eligible for Free School Meals in the last 6 years
• Looked after children (LAC)
• Children who have ceased to be LAC because of adoption, special guardianship order or a residence order
• Service children

Should you believe your son is eligible to receive the Pupil Premium and would like to apply, further information is available using the following link Free school meals | North Yorkshire County Council.
Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding make up 9.4% of the school’s population.

In 2024-25 the school is expecting to receive £67,880 in pupil premium funding. There is also a sum of £3,872 of pupil premium funding carried forward from the previous year. The total budget for this academic year, therefore, is £71,752.

In schools, the Pupil Premium funding is utilised to close learning gaps by supporting pupil outcomes in relation to targets, supporting equal entitlement in school community and raising aspiration & access to experiences otherwise inaccessible to this group of pupils.

It is for schools to decide how to use and spend the Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

At Ermysted’s Grammar School, we have produced a Pupil Premium Strategy that illustrates how we will spend the Pupil Premium funding. We have designed our Pupil Premium Strategy to support ambitious teaching, learning, care and aspirations of this group of pupils.

Within the Pupil Premium Strategy, there is an allocation of funds for enrichment week support (up to the sum of £50) and for uniform and equipment support (up to the sum of £150).

You can read our Ermysted’s Pupils Premium Strategy by using the following link: Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25 to 2027-28

The next evaluation of the Pupil Premium strategy will be in September 2025.

Contact Details

Should you wish to discuss the Pupil Premium funding or strategy in confidence with someone in school, please contact: or telephone the school on 01756 792186 and ask to speak to Mr Adam Jackson.

Pupil Premium Priorities 2024-2025

At Ermysted’s Grammar school, our priorities for 2024-2025 focus on high quality teaching for all pupils, targeted support and other approaches, including providing access to ICT provision and academic interventions. Furthermore, we intend to continue to provide access to additional pastoral provision, independent careers advice, and continue to prioritise enabling pupils access to extra-curricular activities.

Our desired outcomes are that the Pupil Premium Strategy will provide access to additional resources and interventions to facilitate catch-up for eligible pupils so that they can secure full access to the school curriculum and extra-curricular provision. Also, that Pupil Premium pupils will be supported in realising their ambitious academic targets, they will have opportunities to enhance their cultural capital, and that they will experience a high-quality careers programme to support their progress into the next stage of their learning or education.

At Ermysted’s


Established circa 1492


on roll


enrichment activities