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Constitution of the Governing Body

Nine Foundation Governors

Of whom, seven shall be appointed by the Ermysted’s Grammar School Foundation, one by the Ermysted’s Grammar School Parents’ Association and one by the Ermysted’s Old Boys’ Society. The Ermysted’s Grammar School Foundation is entitled to appoint Foundation Governors by majority vote at the annual meeting in September; in the case of a tie the Chair has the casting vote.  Should a vacancy arise it shall be filled as soon as possible by calling a Foundation Governors meeting.

Two Parent Governors

Elected by the parents of pupils in the school and have parental responsibility for at least one pupil in the school at the time of election.

One County Council Governor

Nominated by the Local Authority (North Yorkshire County Council) as their representative.

One Staff Governor

Elected by teaching and support staff.

Two Co-opted Governors

Elected by members of the Governing Board.

The Headmaster

Governor by virtue of employment by the school.

The total number of governors is sixteen

The Chair and Vice-chair of Governors are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Governing Board being the first meeting of the Autumn Term: The Foundation Governors are elected for a term of four years; The Parent Governors are elected for three years; The Staff Governors are elected for three years; The County Council Governor is elected for four years or until termination by the Local Authority; and The Co-opted Governors are elected for two years.

Clerk To The Governors

The Clerk to the Governors co-ordinates and provides minutes of all the Meetings of the Governing Board, its Committees and Panels. The Clerk also informs Governors of all issues emanating from the Department for Education (DfE) or the Local Authority (LA) including training. Governors are encouraged to take advantage of such development opportunities, the cost of attendance being covered by the School. Additionally, Governors are encouraged to make use of online information.

“Exceptional leaders continually strive to develop and further evolve the school for the benefit of pupils


At Ermysted’s


Established circa 1492


on roll


enrichment activities